ecommerce instagram

Instagram ECommerce: How To 2X Engagement And Boost Online Sales

  • By Amelia John
  • 13-09-2021
  • Social Media

Do you want to create buzz for your brand online and get discovered by many people across the globe? Do you want to transform browsers into shoppers and drive sales for your brand? If so, Instagram is a powerful tool for making your eCommerce business a successful one.

These days businesses don't just rely on Facebook to promote their products or services. They also use the Instagram platform for their social media campaigns to attain their marketing and business goals. If you are a startup or a well-established business looking to have a solid presence online, attract a large audience to purchase your products and services, and develop a brand value, Instagram is the best option to transform shoppers into customers. In this article, let us take a look at how Instagram helps drive sales for your brand.

Five Steps to 2x Engagement and Boost Online Sales

1. Change to Business Account

Instagram has introduced a new feature on the platform, that is, business accounts. If you have a personal profile, switch it to a business account, which is the initial step for marketing on Instagram. The feature enables you to have a professional look at your profile to pull off contact details from Facebook while keeping shoppable links on Instagram. It provides information on total impressions and clicks on posts weekly. Converting to a business account is made easy,

Head over to account settings, and tap "Switch to Business Profile."

Log onto your Facebook profile, ensure to have admin rights for the Facebook profile. You will have to choose the Facebook page to link with your business page.

After selecting the Facebook page, you need to enter your contact details for your Instagram business profile; it could be a customer service number or an email address.

2. Share Appealing Pictures

Post appealing pictures helps boost audience engagement and builds brand personality. The other way to drive traffic and bring people to your virtual store is to watermark your pictures with domain names. That way, people aren't forced to purchase from you, but by ascribing your photographs, the audience would better know how to get more details about your brand. A picture with a watermark on it signifies to the audience where to find more about your brand.

Remember that the app crops the image into a square shape by default while posting pictures on Instagram. So, ensure to include the domain name within it. Also, write compelling captions that are brief, crisp, and strong to add value to your pictures.

3. Showcase User-Generated Content

Motivate your followers to post content for your brand. Tell them to post pictures displaying your products that they purchased from your shop, and make sure to ask permission to share those pictures on your profile. That way, other audiences would get inspired to buy from you. This type of referral marketing method will have a positive impact on sales. Several fashion-based online brands are incorporating this in their marketing campaigns like a promotional tool for businesses.

4. Implement Hashtag Research to Maximize Reach

Simply posting attractive pictures is not enough on Instagram, mainly if you have a marketing aim in your mind. Each photo must have relevant hashtags. The use of hashtags in pictures lets Instagram categorize different photographs and products. While using niche hashtags, your brand gets seen by a massive audience, and to be specific, your potential audience. On the flip side, if you use irrelevant hashtags, too many of them might have adverse effects on your tactic.

Hashtags make it pretty easy for people to discover your profile on Instagram. While sharing your Instagram content on Facebook, the hashtags get displayed there, too, thereby increasing the opportunities for your brand to get noticed by people looking for similar hashtags via Facebook's search.

5. Partner with Influencers
Influencer marketing is a very famous method of marketing your brand to drive sales. It works like word-of-mouth. One good thing about utilizing this technique on Instagram is you could gain access to audiences from all possible niches, across the globe, including fashion influencers, food influencers, and more.

While a brand joins hands with an influencer, their picture gets more effective. The audience trusts them and relies on their product review, which helps brands increase conversions and attract significant revenue.

Wrap Up

So that you have understood how the marketing strategy on Instagram can help the development of your business, implement these five techniques to make your tactics highly impactful, obtain new followers, widen your Reach, and drive massive sales for your brand. Track your post-performance constantly to understand better what resonates with your audience and how the audience is reacting.

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