checklist before you purchase a dedicated server

Checklist Before You Purchase a Dedicated Server

  • By Swapnil
  • 20-01-2020
  • Misc

We can assume that you already know what are the benefits of dedicated server hosting over shared hosting or VPS hosting as you have already decided to purchase. Hence we would not be wasting time discussing the benefits of dedicated hosting all over again. As it is dedicated server hosting is more expensive than the above-mentioned hosting services. Most of the companies switch to dedicated server hosting after burrowing their base deep.

Switching and migrating to another service is time-consuming and hefty all together. Hence, to see the characteristics and crucial elements of the service you are going to purchase needs to be examined more deeply. Any dedicated server gives that boost to your business and satisfies your customers in the best possible way. Here are some tips to help you with the process.

What are the technological requirements?

Are the requirement depends on your expectations from the number of users to server performance?

• Processor or CPU- The power factor of your server depends on what processor you have opted for your dedicated server. It builds on the type of application by top app developers you are hosting on your server. The efficiency of any processor depends on the number of cores that are linked further to the turnaround time and GHz per core.
• RAM- The availability of RAM depends on how fast your CPU is? Welcome to dedicated server hosting wherein you have the convenience to modify your RAM needs as and when needed.
• Bandwidth- Applications requiring multi-processors that deal in games, chat servers or stuff that needs over the top pace and performance.
• Hard drives- Size of your server will be the deciding factor for hard drive options. Some of the options are like SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) hard drive bets for large volumes but where performance is not a considerable factor. A better option for SATA is SAS (Serial Attached Interface) that is costlier but twice in performance. With a dedicated server you can even accommodate 2 hard drives together and any time you can start uploading files on your secondary hard drive.

How scalable your application is?

The scalability factor of your application decides whether there is a need for a dedicated server or not. But there are specific applications that cannot be scaled into a virtual environment like applications with license agreements or applications on which time sync is critical. A database running on multiple servers needs to assure that it is synchronized with all the database servers.

Do they have the load balancing across multiple dedicated servers?

As soon as the traffic starts to increase on your website, the function of load balancers come into the picture. Load balancing is the component that deflects traffic to less busy channels. Apart from this load balancer also checks whether the server is up and running in full swing to the server it wants to redirect.

What are the business requirements?

Every industry has its own set of business requirements that have to be equally important to be met as the technological requirements. Here are some of the major concerns that might hamper after your business will be dynamic and is ready to acquire a major portion of the market

• Plan B’s during setbacks.
• Safeguarding options in E-commerce and is the data virtuous enough.
• The mainframe of files with bulky data and robust files.
• PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) compliancy
• Security features like firewalls, disabling unnecessary functionalities and scripted management are a must.
• World-class availability.

What is the pricing proposition?

Then comes the most important part-pricing. There are so many policies to check out for

• How much it is costing you per month?
• Are there any additional charges involved for space and upgrades?
• Any additional costs during times of heavy traffic?
• Are there any additional charges involved during downtime or hardware failure?
• Are there any cancellation charges involved if you want to migrate or cancel the services?

Which control panel your provider is incorporating?

A good dedicated server hosting service provider will itself incorporate well-known control panels like Plesk, cPanel, WHM, etc. But it’s your responsibility to check out from your end that you are getting the same service as you were promised.

I would be wrapping up by mentioning some more general questions which one should confirm before finally deciding the service provider

• Is your service provider having a good remote rebooting power?
• Do they have 24 crosses 7 crosses 365 support?
• What are the key locations of their data centers?
• What are their hardware replacement policies?

Apart from these factors do not miss out on the real-time reviews of the past services of the specifically dedicated hosting service provider. All the factors have been consolidated in the best way possible and will help you in deciding your service provider beyond doubt. Find out the best mobile app developer for your business.

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