optimize your ecommerce website

9 Ways to Optimize Your eCommerce Website for More Product Sales

  • By Juliet Codey
  • 22-03-2022
  • E-commerce

Today, there are over 1.8 million eCommerce websites on the internet, with a conversion rate of 2.86 percent on average. Competing in such a crowded market may be difficult and discouraging, significantly if your sales decline. If you're attempting to improve your eCommerce website's conversion rates but don't know where to start, we've put together a list of nine expert ideas to help you get back on track.

Ways to Optimize Your eCommerce Website for More Product Sales

#1. Recognize and Address Your Conversion Issues

Before you can figure out how to improve your eCommerce website's conversion rates, you need to figure out the problems. This will allow you to develop a strategy that tackles your specific issues and avoid wasting time and money on solutions that aren't going to work.

For example, if your bounce rate is high yet your conversion rate is low, it could indicate that your website is making a poor first impression. In this case, using a conversion-boosting strategy like integrated payment alternatives is futile. Instead, conduct UX audits to determine which aspects of your site need improvement and how you might do it.

#2. Increase Website traffic

Your conversion rates are low because your eCommerce store isn't being seen by the correct individuals. Driving relevant traffic to eCommerce websites is critical to their sustainability, so here are a few things you can do:

- Google Advertising: This tool allows you to advertise your items to those who are actively looking for them by allowing you to define relevant keywords for your ads.
- Paid social ads: Using social media to advertise your consumer products is a terrific approach to reach a larger audience.
- SEO (search engine optimization): Increasing relevant website traffic requires optimizing your eCommerce website for search engines.

#3. UI/UX Audits

An excellent website draws people in. eCommerce websites must provide an engaging user experience (UX), a killer user interface (UI), and a great design to entice users to convert. If you have a high bounce rate or observe that consumers aren't browsing your website beyond the homepage, a UI/UX audit is a must.

#4. Payment Options Integration

Integrating a variety of payment choices on the checkout page is another strategy to boost eCommerce website conversion rates. In fact, according to a recent survey, 50% of site users abandoned their carts due to a lack of payment alternatives, demonstrating that expediting this aspect of the checkout process is critical to keeping customers pleased.

#5. Use High-Quality Images & Videos

If you don't use high-quality images and videos on your eCommerce website, you can say goodbye to great conversion rates. Customers will feel more confident to purchase from you if you present detailed, high-resolution photographs that are accurate to the product. Videos and 360-degree product viewers are also excellent ideas because they provide the buyer with an almost physical encounter with the goods.

#6. Enhance Your Order Fulfilment Procedures

Free and quick delivery is no longer a competitive advantage in 2022; it is a requirement. When free shipping is available, 79% of customers are more likely to purchase something online.

As you can see, free delivery plays a significant influence in raising the conversion rate of an eCommerce website.

#7. Track Down Abandoned Carts

If you get a lot of abandoned carts, don't simply look for ways to improve your checkout process; follow up on them. You can use abandoned cart software to send follow-up emails to customers who have left their carts on your website. These emails frequently include the contents of their carts and act as a gentle reminder of all the beautiful items they almost had their hands-on.

#8. Collect Emails!

If your website does not collect emails, you will be unable to send follow-up emails about abandoned carts! You also can't provide unique discounts to subscribers, advertise a new product launch, or keep them up to speed on blogs and the latest news. An intelligent approach to accomplish this is to include a pop-up form that discounts visitors' initial purchases if they sign up for email updates.

#9. Prepare for M-Commerce

This year, mobile commerce is dominating eCommerce sales, accounting for a staggering 54 percent share. It will be exceedingly tough to enhance your conversion rate if your online business is not suited for mobile devices:

Before purchasing a product, 40% of customers perform research on their mobile phones.

After digital window shopping, 77 percent of respondents make impulse purchases on their mobile devices.

Between 2020 and 2025, mobile payments are expected to increase by 26.93 percent.

To be precise,

As the owner of an eCommerce store, you must ensure that your company is constantly expanding. If you don't grow in these fast-changing times, you'll be stuck.

It is essential to learn what your customers want and to experiment with all of the modern technologies accessible so that you can improve the whole customer experience and, eventually, help your eCommerce business expand in 2022.

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